科研成果 学术论文
products 学术论文
序号 年份 类别 期刊名称 论文标题 文件下载
1 2006 SCI SCI Identifying Crop Leaf Angle Distribution Based on Two-Temporal and Bidirectional Canopy Reflectance 立即下载
1 2005 EI EI 基于多时相和多角度光谱信息的作物株型遥感识别初探. 立即下载
1 2005 EI EI Inversion of yellow rust disease index by using proper spectral index 立即下载
1 2004 SCI SCI Inversion of foliar biochemical parameters at various physiological 立即下载
1 2004 SCI SCI Inversion of Biochemical parameters by Selection of Proper vegetation index in Winter Wheat 立即下载
1 2004 EI EI 红边参数在作物营养诊断和品质预报上的应用 立即下载
2 2024 SCI fire Integrating Real-Time Meteorological Conditions into a Novel Fire Spread Model for Grasslands 立即下载
999999 2024 SCI remotesensing Assessing the Current and Future Potential Distribution of Solanum rostratum Dunal in China Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data and Principal Component Analysis 立即下载
999999 2023 会议手册 立即下载
999999 2022 Developing a gap-filling algorithm using DNN for the Ts-VI triangle model to obtain temporally continuous daily actual evapotranspiration in an arid area of China 立即下载
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